Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Swapalicious

I am now this very minute wearing my new "Made with love by Hannah " swapped Schwarzwalder skirt. It was literally off with the old one and on with the new. A very adorable Swiss chalet thermometer came in the parcel. It now reads 19 degrees, which is pretty perfect in my book!I have noticed lots of ladybugs living on my climbing rose today. Chomping through the nasty aphids. No need for yucky insecticide sprays with these cuties around.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Bunnies Made by Hand

There is a lovely new Flickr group called "Bunnies Made by Hand". Very cute .These bunnies are going to join.
I found some cool things at Camberwell market on Sunday. One "Flower Power" truck with battery operated tricky action!And this lovely Vintage Haberdashery pack, made by LittleWhippet.
I love the word Haberdashery. And I love this very clever idea.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Yes he was a star. Yes he was handsome, Yes he was very good-looking. Yes he loved his wife and his dog. Yes he had an amazing life xxx

Friday, September 26, 2008


According to an article in Thusdays "Age" there is an "evolution in op-shoppery" The op-shop industry has become more business-savvy to cater for it's growing customer base. I knew the days of splendiferous bargains were practically over, but this was demonstrated only too clearly when Lily and I hit all the oppys in a 8 km radius of my Mums in Melbourne's eastern suburbs. Ouch! Op-shopping is not for those on a budget anymore.
I did find some supplies, a selection of forties knitting books,
...and we rescued this guy on the half price table!
The niceness of this Spring weather has given everyone a chance to bare some shoulders and dig out the summery dresses. I had some jasmine from our garden in my hair yesterday..... the aroma was sooo intense I felt all giddy. It felt like a head rush of smelly sweetness.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's Swapalicious!

Louis the Gnome is going to L.A. to live with Hannah. I don't think I need to introduce her again. She is the brilliant fabric designer and print maker, creator of all things adorably folksy, cute, fun and sassy, and famous for her unique dresses, skirts and matching tops from "Made with love by Hannah".Louis needed a travelling companion so he has a Toadstool called Tallis accompanying him.
Now get this, Hannah has made me a Schwarzwalder skirt for the swap. Because I said I liked it. Nice huh!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fancy Work

I was loading up on doilies today and while I was selecting these beauties, an elderly woman in the opshop commented on how much she loves "Fancywork". I agreed the work involved is to be admired, but I hadn't the heart to tell her I chop them up and reuse them in my jewellery.
I could imagine the look on her face if she saw the old suitcase in my studio brimming with poor shredded doilies... but they do add a special something.

Monday, September 22, 2008

This is ...

I have worked in many fields, and feel extremely happy where I am right now. Creating things has always been what I've wanted to do. Having my studio at home makes it easier to juggle work and life, but I sometimes think about the job paths I could have followed.......
The job of my dreams would be working in props for theatre, film or telly. I got a taste for it when I had a brief stint working on Baz Luhman's "Moulin Rough" at Fox in Sydney. Numerous hours were spent creating an elaborate beaded curtain for Satine's (our Nic's) boudoir. If you watch the movie you can see it for oh 5 seconds! Unfortunately the 10 hour days made it hard being a working parent.
There's no manual telling you how to juggle working and motherhood. It's a fine line between personal fulfillment, and going slightly bonkers. You think you've found the perfect balance, then things always conspire to make it a challenge. But life's interesting like that!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Magic Mike II

Robots are good. My son is begging to see Wall-E the movie. I'm more than a bit excited as well!
Our big toy robot is called "Magic Mike II" and he has his two robotic friends with him, Regis and Gadget.This is Regis....
and this little guy can fit in the palm of my hand. He has elasticised joints for posing. See his John Travolta move!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mary Janes

Bleeding Knee print by Pepperminte. Me likey! Because this reminds me of me at primary school. I actually think the blood looks excellent, as opposed to real life blood which makes me go blurry behind the eyes. Have a look at these real bloody knees (or is it fake????)
Me today. Fresh op shopped frock and Dick and Dora birdy brooch.
Lily yesterday.Very cute carpet from here.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

C-A-T spells Cat

I was thinking about some of the very gorgeous buttons I have used on my jewellery and I remembered this super cute cat button I used on a Claude a while ago. It was snapped up quick smart by a customer, and I wonder if it was because of the button.

I have been making a few cat brooches for an order from The Australian Museum Shop in Sydney . These two are with a beautiful cat softie I swapped with Bettina from PussyCat Black in Brunswick. Made from an old table cloth by "Foch Space".I don't collect cats as such, but have a few special black cat figurines about the place like this Avon purfume bottle called Tabitha. The colonge is called Moonwind , and it isn't too bad.
And these guys in my daughters bedroom.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Buttons as things!

My son wanted to sort buttons yesterday and these are some he picked out as his favorites. My favorites are the blue glass Scotty dog and the blue glass tennis rackets.
If you want to know some facts about buttons read this button workshop by "abuttonlady". The proper term for my buttons is "realistic". Some of her yummy bakelite buttons below.One of her missions is to help people avoid using valuable buttons for craft projects.
I know I might be guilty of this, someone out there could have a Betty Jo brooch with a button 6x the value of the actual piece! So sorry "abuttonlady", I'm not an expert. I just love buttons!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Last night I went to a Tupperware party. Ok I admit it. I was a tupperware virgin. That's not counting the one I went to when I was 18.Then it was more about the party, and less about the tupperware .I really, really like tupperware. I have some random vintage pieces, like this Tuppercanoe, but now I am the proud owner of a set of Modular Mates and a Happy Chopper!
Of course I much prefer the repurposed Tupperware jewllery by Liana Kabel.And these Tupp-a-lamps are pretty special. From here.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This is what I do with a spare ten minutes

Lately, ten minutes to myself when I'm not mopping sick kids brows, zipping into the studio filling orders, checking emails or doin the chores would be heaven. I find time management a bit of a chore too, but have become quite good at juggling six ball in the air at once. So if I have a bit of time up my sleeve I go into the garden and potter. Like my Nana used to do. And watch the sweet peas grow. I swear I can see their little tendrils moving.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Gnome what I mean!

I found these very jolly fellows here. They reminded me I must try and make a gnome brooch as suggested by Silly Gilly in my "think of a new Betty Jo design" giveaway.
I have had quite a few garden gnomes in my life but I only have one left. Mmmm, I really don't know where the others have gone. This guy was a gift from a student in my first year of teaching. (so that goes back a really long time) It was only later I guessed it was probably nicked from someones garden.
And here is my gnome...his name is Louis.As usual I have been drooling over Made with love by Hannah's skirts and have decided this one is on my new wish list. With two gnomes and toadstools!As I was typing this I was hearing the theme song and words to "Paulus the Woodland Gnome" in my head.I seriously believe this could be one of my earliest memories!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Betty Jo at Mushu

Mushu in Sydney is going to be a New Betty Jo stockist. These brooches and more will be heading up to Mushu's two beautiful shops in Darling St.Balmain and Crown St.Surry Hills.Have a look at the Mushu website. It's very lovely, and you can play around designing your own bags and frocks to order!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lovely Ramekins

I know there is only so many ways to take a photo of ramekins.Mine from flickr,and this post.and these from etsy.
I'd swap my no brand ones for this signed Martin Boyd set any day!
Do you obsessively look on the bottom of china at op shops in case there's a treasure that's escaped the eagle eyes of the op shop ladies? It has payed off for me a few times!