Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Markit = Colour and Movement

Markit at Fed Square was great. It was so busy time whooshed by in a blur of colour and movement. A bit like my life really....
Our table was bursting with goodies from Gleaners Inc. and I can safely say dozens and dozens of customers have their Christmas presents sorted!!!
I was a bit snowed under to go shopping myself (wallet says thankyou) ...luckily I have my own shop full of lovely gifts!!!
I grabbed a few quick shots halfway through the day and here they are.......


I did buy this cute cup from Dawn Tan...there's her smiling face across our table!I nearly bought the matching burger plate, but will hang out for the vegy option ...please Dawn!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Going to Markit !

Goodies at Markit
Some yummy goodies to be found at Markit tomorrow.
I want everything...except the bunting necklace because I don't need another!
Come and see us in the Edge Theatre Foyer this Sunday November 27th with Betty Jo Designs products and lots of special extras by our designer friends from Gleaners Inc.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Flight of the Ducks!

"Flight of the Ducks"
Crafty Flying Duck Call Out!Can you make flying ducks from recycled or preloved materials..I'm thinking crochet, felted wool, china, plastic, scrap metal or stuff you wouldn't usually expect a set of Nana-rific flying ducks to be made from?We want your ducks for our special "Flight of the Ducks" exhibition to be held at Gleaners Inc. in the Stairway to Nowhere mini Gallery!
If this is up your crafty alley, contact Liz at Gleaners Inc.
Ducks needed to be delivered to Gleaners Inc. or mailed to Liz by December 15th. So put on your thinking caps and get cracking...or as Vic from Punky and Me quipped.."Put on your thinking Flaps and Get Quacking!!!
Green Flying Ducks

Some ideas : The famous Kaiser Craft Wooden Ducks are the Bee's Knee's (or should I say the ducks flippers). Find them in Kaiser Craft outlets, craft stores or order online (they arrive in one day!!!!)This pattern is V.CuteThese are snazzy!

So go forth and create some Ducks

Monday, November 21, 2011

Good things....

I'm guest posting for the week at four for the day, a cool Canadian blog that features four "like" objects everyday. It's a great way to gain insight into peoples tastes, obsessions and lifestyles from all corners of the globe.
I didn't have to roam too far from Gleaners Inc. for my four objects.
Naughty Shorts is having a very cool End of Year Giveaway. You have the chance to choose your own fabric and win a custom made "Annie " dress as well as a pair of Lotta Swedish clogs.As I am madly making my "Rod for your Neck" necklaces, I thought the red clogs and a dress in the blocky fabric would be a good match. So now I have just told you all about this pretty ACE giveaway I have less chance of winning. Darn, I'm just too nice.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Button Time!

Ok, I am a wee bit annoyed. A few years ago I found some clock buttons at Spotlight and they were perfect for my cuckoo clock brooches. I was happy to go through the sometimes trying experience of shopping at Brunswick Spotlight to get these babies. But then I saw they were being DISCONTINUED!
cuckoo mosaic
So I bought all the remaining ones in pink, green and purple and slowly but surely used them all up.Of course now I still have to make cuckoo clock brooches but don't have the buttons.
I had an idea of using real watch faces, but it's not to the liking of a particular interested party.
So does anyone have a stash (or even one or two) of these buttons they could spare? Or have a nice button shop near them that has them in stock? Let me know and I will repay you in kind or in cashola. I have seen some okayish ones on etsy, but they're not quite the same. And they don't necessarily need to be pink!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Look, can you see Claude Cat amongst the trinkets. He made it into Vogue Living this month. Thanks to Nat and Estelle for alerting me to this.Obviously I don't buy the glossy home mags ( except if there is something super duper special featured) so Claude could have been there between the stylish pages and I would never have known.

Betty Jo and some Gleaners Inc. friends will be at Markit at Fed Square on November 27th.
I have an inkling this market will be bigger than Texas...just have a look who else will be there.

And there is a new range of jewellery in town called "Finkigirl" A collaboration between Jay of Finki and Cathy of Tinniegirl. I like a good collaboration. Now for sale on Etsy and at Olive Grove

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day of the Dead!

Happy Día de los Muertos (Mexican Day of the Dead ).
We have set up an Altar in the Gleaners Inc. window and the shop will be open today from 11am -5pm.
There will be bubbly flowing from 2pm, so pop in if your not getting fancy at the Melbourne Cup!
Day of the Dead Altar.
There is a GIVEAWAY happening on the Gleaners Inc. blog this week. A Betty Jo Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Brooch.LinkBetty Jo Sugar Skulls
And if you vist Gleaners Inc. you can spy my New Sugar Skull Clock.
Wednesday and Betty Jo Sugar Skull Clock!