Saturday, November 30, 2013

What's been going on!

 As usual this is the busiest time of year in my world. Stockist ordering for Christmas always send their requests in at the same time, so it's non stop making right now!
Plate of Betty Jo goodies. 
I need to fill two more for an exciting new stockist in NSW. As I hand cut and assemble each little critter, no two will ever be the same.... Some will be wonky, but we like it that way!
 My lino Cuckoo Clocks have been popular. This pretty floral one in now living at a gorgeous shop in Rylstone "Mon Alisa".
 Map's of Australia are still my faves. This one is available at the coolest boutique in town, Pussycat Black!
 Last Sunday we had a stall at the fantastic Markit @Fed Square. I took a bunch of Gleaners Inc. goodies and a great day was had by all!!!
As it is Christmas in um,oh, about 4 weeks, I have started making wreaths again. This one is now hanging on a front door of a lovely customer from Adelaide.
This little lady art work is the size of a playing card and is for a very cool exhibition at Tinning St. Gallery called "Smash and Grab". The work is called  "Carmen from La Mana Fresh". Her hat is a brooch and her carnelion earrings are removable!
It's not been all about me these last few months. My girl Lily has been working hard to complete VCE and submit her folios. This is arguably the coolest halo in town and we are hoping it brings her divine luck as she embarks on her tertiary adventures. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Feeling the Festive Vibe!

OK. No beating about the bush here. It's now only six weekends till Christmas. 
I have just noticed the Christmas vibe starting to hum in my retail shop Gleaners Inc. with organised customers talking about Christmas gift lists and stocking stuffers. Nothing a shop keeper loves more than a well  prepared shopper!!
I had a dig through the vaults for a bit of Christmas inspiration yesterday.

And here is the first Christmas wreath of the season. The wreath is approx 26cm wide and hangs flat.
The angel can be removed and worn as a brooch. These will be for sale in Gleaners Inc. and I will also be happy to take orders. Each wreath will be one-of-a-kind!

Monday, November 4, 2013

"A Rod for Your Neck"

This vintage Cuisenaire set won't last long as I crank up the drill and create primary school maths inspired jewellery! Cool lady teacher gifts anyone? 
Does anyone actually remember learning anything using rods? I built some kick arse towers in grade one and these days seem to connect several numbers in my brain with their corresponding rods colours. eg. When I think of ten I think of orange. Mild synethesia maybe?
"A Rod for your Neck" necklaces are available from Etsy!