Saturday, December 8, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthay

A lovely evening was had by all at Pussycat Black's 2nd birthday celebrations. With baby bottles of bubbly in hand, every one was soaking up the ambiance of Bettina's gorgeous shop.
Chatted to some clever designers like Natalie from Maru ,Gaye from Gaye Abandon, Sophie from Mistress of the Upper Fifth, and Ellie from Mucke, to name a few.
And, according to my calculations, there are only 17 more shopping days till Christmas, so put Pussycat Black on your list of destinations when searching for that unique gift.


  1. I just wanted to say how lovely is your shop window was.
    Melissa xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Really only that long till christmas and still so much to do......


Hi! It's very nice to receive your comment. I'll go and visit you too.