Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Swapalicious

I am now this very minute wearing my new "Made with love by Hannah " swapped Schwarzwalder skirt. It was literally off with the old one and on with the new. A very adorable Swiss chalet thermometer came in the parcel. It now reads 19 degrees, which is pretty perfect in my book!I have noticed lots of ladybugs living on my climbing rose today. Chomping through the nasty aphids. No need for yucky insecticide sprays with these cuties around.


  1. What a great photo of the ladybug. They are so lovely aren't they.

    Love your new skirt and thermometer too.

  2. The thermometer is so cute. I am sure my pop had a cuckoo clock like that. Someone did. Skirt looks fab.


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