Friday, January 1, 2010

Snappy New Year!

Orange stuff
Happy 2010! After a Hot Hot day spent at Coburg Pool, and a quiet drink with my bestie, I am feeling all refreshed and cleansed (thanks to the amazing thunderstorm last night).
At times we weren't sure if the sky was glowing with fireworks or lightning. So thanks for the great light show Mother Nature!
I have sketchy plans for this year. As usual I generally go with the flow and see where things take me, what opportunities present themselves and where my creative urges lead.
That said, I am planning on working hard to keep doing what I love!
Owls in Photo BoothBabushka and Embroidered Shirt
I really love checking out other peoples plans and projects too.
Megan has started a new photography "play space " called Project Play 365 which is something I will be following and emulating as much as I can. I like knowing that a photo can speak a thousand words, especially when there is a shortage of words , but a story to tell.
I won't be as disciplined as to post a pic. for everyday, but will be shooting away as usual this year, experimenting and playing with the visual image.8 Owls
My "Eight Owls" are looking cheerily startled because they have popped up on "Scoutie girl".
This will be a blog I will definitely be following in 2010.
Do you have some interesting new blog "Discoveries"? Please Share!


  1. I feel quite unprepared for a new year so my plans are sketchy too!
    And how funny is it {well at least i thought so} about our appearances on Scoutie Girl!

  2. I'm always a bit sketchy! Sketchy is HOT for 2010 didn't you know? And snappy. Snappy is also HOT for 2010.


  3. 2010- "The year of the Sketchy Snap"!


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