Thursday, November 18, 2010


I love a good collection. But more than that, I love a good photo of a collection arranged just so. Then of course it must be posted all over the place to give everyone the full experience!
I have been getting my collection thrills every day this year whenever a new Lisa Congdon's "A Collection a Day" post pops up. I also like to check out the Organised Collection Flickr should too.
Here's a wee collection of circles I found in my studio.Can you see my reflection in the teapot lid?1. collection of one day, 2. Fuchsia leaves, 3. Hmmmm, 4. Pink stuff1. collection of objects to print with, 2. Elwood Beach Plastic, 3. vegetarian meal, 4.  
These collections were featured over at The Indie Handmade Show . I spy some Betty Jo Pink stuff and Beach plastic!


  1. I'm in love with your work!!!! You wow me.

  2. if you made a whole book of your "collections" photographs I would buy it in half a heartbeat.


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