Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Come Over to My House

But maybe not today.
There are two sickies home from school, and there maybe a third home from work tomorrow.
I am working on the Kitchen table as my little home studio/veranda is as cold as the arctic circle and I need to be around to administer honey & lemon drinks, nurofen, tissues and vicks!
Yesterday I fell into one of those motivational slumps and felt the future of Betty Jo Designs looked hazy and foggy. This isn't normal for me..I love what I do and usually I am full of inspiration and have heaps of incentive.
Luckily Lily was around today and gave me the idea for these..."Come Over to my House" brooches
"Come Over to my House" brooches.
And because there is a quarantine zone happening here I'll just post some pictures so you can have a virtual visit!
My Mail Box
I found our letter box in the hard rubbish around Kew. It had been painted the same colours as our house!


  1. Cute! Your house is very welcoming :) hope the sickies feel better soon.

  2. oh hope you hospital turns back into a house real soon. It is a very pretty house too, and I love the new crafted ones♥

  3. I'm hoping for at least one to be well enough for school tomorrow (or I'll go bananas!)

  4. I certainly won't be going anywhere near your house, but the brooches are supercute!
    Hope nurse Betty Jo doesn't get the lurgy.

  5. Gorgeous house-row broaches & don't you just LOVE hard rubbish??! Hope the sickies manage to get better soon.

  6. Yay , sickies are back at school, my crafty mojo is coming back and the sun is shining!


Hi! It's very nice to receive your comment. I'll go and visit you too.