Thursday, November 10, 2011


Look, can you see Claude Cat amongst the trinkets. He made it into Vogue Living this month. Thanks to Nat and Estelle for alerting me to this.Obviously I don't buy the glossy home mags ( except if there is something super duper special featured) so Claude could have been there between the stylish pages and I would never have known.

Betty Jo and some Gleaners Inc. friends will be at Markit at Fed Square on November 27th.
I have an inkling this market will be bigger than Texas...just have a look who else will be there.

And there is a new range of jewellery in town called "Finkigirl" A collaboration between Jay of Finki and Cathy of Tinniegirl. I like a good collaboration. Now for sale on Etsy and at Olive Grove

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog love Liz.

    How cool are you being in Vogue? Totes impressed.


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