Monday, April 16, 2012

Doily Ducks

A fresh set of Flying Ducks (with obligatory Doily adornment) will now greet you at the door of Gleaners Inc. I found the lovely autumny lino on the nature strip two streets away from my place after driving past it a few times in too much of a rush to stop. There I was breaking rule of hard rubbish scavenging. "Do not keep driving if anything looks remotely useful as it's bound NOT to be there the next day. "
Do you have any rules for finding gems in Hard Rubbish? 
Lucky I didn't drive by this cool 50's lamp yesterday as it would have been munched in the garbo truck first thing this morning! This act of destroying perfectly good stuff is a  travesty all councils should cease forthwith! Recycle it, send it to the tip shop for others to re-use, don't dump it in land fill!
Now I will climb down off my hard rubbish rescued soap box.


  1. i agree!!! such a waste of resources & landfill!

  2. I would kill , yes really , kill to have hard rubbish collection here , I would have so much fun when I'm not killing.


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