Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Back to Number One

This image appeared on my very first blog post titled "The Enchanted Lino Forest" . That was in July 2007. Alot has happened in those almost five years. I have had lots of fun, some heartache, many great opportunities, made ace friends, watched my kids grow, created a zillion Betty Jo goodies (well it feels like it) , moved my making off my kitchen table and have ended up where I am right now, running a lovely shop and studio called Gleaners Inc.
 In a time when a lot of small, independant retail businesses are closing, I went the opposite way and started a new venture. I'm not a risk taker by nature, but  the stars aligned one day and there it was.
An opportunity to take things another step further.
The first year running a retail business is a killer. The hours, the work behind the scenes, the uncertainty. the jugggling act with finances.
But the rewards totally outway the stresses. I'm very happy. I love my little shop. I love showcasing lovely designers and crafts people. Love it to bits!
pic.via Pleaty Bunny
So thanks for reading my rambles on Lino Forest. I post on the Gleaners Inc. blog too now. I take lots of photos on instagram and post regularly on Facebook. Oh and I make things too. Because making is what it's all about when you think about it. I am continually inspired to create and everything that follows is just a BONUS!


  1. Good on you, Liz. *big pat on back*

    It's lovely to look back and see how far you have come. You are now taking others along on the journey now with you. My confidence in what I do would be as strong if it wasn't for your support and kindness x

  2. Wow great looking shop, would love to come and visit you...but it's just a little bit toooo farrr away ;).
    But I have the opportunity to sniff via the internet :D.
    Warm creative greets from Susan from the Netherlands

  3. This is my first time i visit here. I found so many entertaining stuff in your blog, especially its discussion. From the tons of comments on your articles, I guess I am not the only one having all the leisure here! Keep up the good work.


Hi! It's very nice to receive your comment. I'll go and visit you too.