Monday, July 9, 2012

The Bird is the Word

I've been playing around with this classic wrought iron bird I found in the Northcote hard rubbish last month. I have added some of my favorite vintage Lino and for something different, I chopped up a children's storybook for some extra feathers for  the "nest"!
The "Feather Your Nest" exhibition at Gleaners Inc. starts on August the 3rd. and runs till August 31st.
If you are in town that evening please pop in to help us celebrate with bubbly and discount shopping!
And it's not too late to submit work for the show. Just contact Liz with your details

1 comment:

  1. Looks fantastic! What character that bird has now! You've brought it to life!


Hi! It's very nice to receive your comment. I'll go and visit you too.