Thursday, August 16, 2007

Time for Walkies!

This is a new Scotty dog clock for Pussycat Black.
My scotty brooches and pendants are popular with doggy lovers, so this clock will be good to tell you when it's time for walkies!
Oops, I think my little Jack Russell Chester just heard the word "walk" and is starting to quiver with anticipation.
The Scotty dog clock was originally designed for the delightful Melanie of Textile allsorts, who is also half of Tubeway armies- clever crafty girls who make the warmest things for hands in the known universe. I'm getting my armies on now to go for that walk.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, I just found your blog after you left a comment on mine (shared Liana Kabel love!), I nearly cried when I saw this and the other gorgeous stuff that you make from lino, it takes me right back to my nana's house! I don't live in Melbourne (I'm out in Daylesford) so I don't often get to visit cool shops and I rely on blogs to see all the lovely crafty stuff that is being made at the moment. I'm definitely going to look for one of your brooches, do you also sell on etsy?
    Allison x


Hi! It's very nice to receive your comment. I'll go and visit you too.