Friday, September 28, 2007

Flashback Friday

I couldn't find a better photo to sum up our trip to NSW.
Here is my husband holding his grandmas dog, his mum, and 2 friends at the Three Sisters in Katoomba in the early 70's.
Now this trendy mum has just had her 80th birthday bash in the Blue Mountains, with over 80 friends and family. The Blue Mountains are a significant area in our family, although the patchwork suede coat worn by my mother in-law almost out does the beauty of the scenery. It's a stunner!
I could only find a few pics of my various childhood pets, but none with me featured.
This photo is of my first cat Grace (named after Grace Jones the singer) taken just after I moved into my first share house in the eighties. Gracie lived to be nearly 20 and moved with me all over the country.
* note HUGE fimo earrings, I used to make and sell these at Greville St. markets way back when......

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