Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Girl

I have been coveting this very print by Tretchikoff (Balinese Woman) for years, but refused to pay upwards of $500 in a boutique 2nd hand shop. So you can imagine my excitement when hubby comes home with her, framed behind glass, in great condition.
Driving home from Sydney, he detoured to Henty to see his Dad. Stopped off at the Henty junk shop, and while looking for old buttons for me, he sees this lying on the floor. And how much?.....$10.
She is now on the wall above the computer, so I can admire her Kitsch beauty everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Oh WOW!! Congratulations!! $10 bucks... I dream of those op shop finds! I can imagine your joy and gratefulness on receiving her : )


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