Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mothers and Daughters

Yesterday I wrote that the film "Juno" was a great Mother and daughter movie. I read this review today by a 24 yo guy and I had to laugh. Here is an extract........

"It could appeal to older women too, as it is very sentimental and there a lot of those jokes which the middle-aged mum sitting behind you laughs at, but no-one else does.

The phrase “honest-to-blog” made me physically ill.

Apart from the fact that the main character was unrealistic and unlikable, the music used was cutesy and dominated the scenes where it was present, and the overall air of forced coolness that utterly, utterly failed, this was a funny comedy that is probably aimed at/suitable for early-to-mid teenage girls and their mums."

Would I be classified as a "middle aged mum" by this guy? Mmmmm I hope not. Although at times I did laugh while the rest of the audience was silent?!?

Found this Handcrafts book today. Great I thought, some real Mother and daughter crafting activities for a rainy day. These are some of the creative gems on offer. I like a bit of kitsch, but Kath and Kim would draw the line at these!

1 comment:

  1. I would love a string dispenser but that monkey would scare me.


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