Thursday, April 10, 2008

Here you go, Betty Jo!

Thank you to Sara from "doublewinky" for uploading this picture onto flickr for me. A fabulous pillow case combining two of my favorite things...Madonna and child paraphernalia, and Nana embroidery. These are some of the tags she added..... wrinkled, lazy owner, afraid of her iron.
Iron? What is this Iron thing she speaks of?

Here are samples of two beauties I found today. Probably also in need of de-wrinkling, but like I said, not a lot of ironing done around these parts.


  1. Oh you shouldn't be afraid of your iron - its really important.If you don't have neough, you'll have to eat spinach!!!

  2. An iron? Ye knows too much!

    These are beautiful examples. Thanks for sharing!


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