Mmmmm, today I went to Windsor to visit the
"Queen". Queen clothing that is, to deliver some new Betty Jo brooches and pendants.
When in Chapel St. Windsor you are definitely spoilt for choice when it comes to second hand browsing. At least 6 Op-shops, as well as a myriad of retro clothing and home wares shops.

The Sacred Heart op shop is two doors down from Queen, and turned up this cute puppy salt shaker (the salt comes out of his mouth) and a couple of beautifully made vintage aprons.

I have now decided to use my collection of aprons (as opposed to having them sit unused in a draw) and quite enjoyed cooking the dinner wearing this one. Is this the start of me turning into my Mum?
Fat Helen's is right next door to Queen , and always has a few swappies and buttons to tempt me. I still have some of the funky lino I scored there last year. There's some on the little Scottie in the picture.

"Queen"also has a shop in Smith St. Fitzroy, and will be getting some new stock on Thursday!!!
Oh you MUST wear your aprons whilst cooking and making! I've such a passion for them - borders on kinky sometimes I think! The patchwork is just gorgeous!