Sunday, February 8, 2009

Owl Clocks

As there has been quite a bit of lino Owl Clock activity going on at my place I felt like showing some alternatives. So meet my cute toy Owl clock. Wind him up and his hands rotate, his eyes move, his wings flap and his hat rocks! All to the sounds of Mary had a Little lamb.
And here are some other Owl clock niceness I like on Flickr.

As I write this I am saddened to hear the devastation caused by the huge bushfires burning in our state. All my thoughts go out to those affected and BIG thankyous to the fire fighters putting in their all to help contain the infernos and save lives.xxxxx


  1. the fires and heat sound devastating...
    i hope all our blogger friends are safe...
    and the families that have lost so much have all the help they need...

    love the flickr love...

  2. Your owl is too cute!
    I hope all blogger friends are safe too, it's so horrible.


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