Thursday, October 29, 2009

Black stuff

As everyone has been reminding me lately, Halloween is in two days.
Fine, I'll just get some goodies and have them ready at the door when the hoards of kids drop by.
But now I find that the big girl (who takes the little guy out trick or treating) has a prior engagement as Lydia Deetz, and I will be roped into accompanying the miniature "Mummy" door to door.
Any suggestions for a "Scary "costume for me.
The way I feel now, I'm thinking A Deranged Zombie would not be too much of a challenge.........
Here is my final colour collage. My Ode to Halloween.
Black stuff


  1. I'd go the lazy option and just grab a white sheet and cut a couple of holes....hee hee

  2. Yes, well as I'll be shredding up a sheet for Mummy bandages, why not just wreak another one!
    That's what op shops are for :-)

  3. Nice work! hey - my Betty Jo Owl was much admired and pointed at (with excited faces) in Tokyo at Design Festa.. maybe you should book a stall there in May ???! tax deductable!


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