Sunday, November 29, 2009

Art + Love = Gift

It's just a few days before the countdown to you know what.
This year Charlie has decided to leave out Diet Coke(?) and Chocolate chip cookies for Santa and lettuce for the reindeer. This makes me feel all pensive and nostalgic as it may be the last year Santa is embraced with optimism and belief in our house. I'm sure by seven the doubts and realization kick in.I have started to notice Christmas wish lists popping up in a few places.
Here is Moose's "Santa's Little Helpers" e-flier. I don't think I was quick enough to get one of these cuties by Lady Monicle.This year I'm thinking I'd like some Arty Crafty goodness for Christmas. Maybe this beautiful Partridge print by Andrea Smith
Or maybe one of these 'bird cluster' mobiles by Madeleine Stamer.Or this Folk Face Cushion by Beci Orpin.There, I've made my own wish list. Now I have to stop faffing around as I always do and get serious with the gift buying.

1 comment:

  1. The magic lasted a long time in my house, I believed in santa until I was 10 or 11!!!!! Oh dear.

    That Beci Orpin pillow is on my wishlist that I made for DrMr too!


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