Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cuckoo Italiano!

Here's something a little out of left field. The other day I received an email from an Enrico Bellazzecca who works at a publishing house in Bologna, Italy.
He politely asked my permission to use an image of one of my cuckoo clocks from flickr in a
Lino Forest Cuckoo Clock

Yesterday he sent me a copy of the page of the book. It's a learn to speak English text book. Bless!I will have a credit in the book and a warm feeling that I may have helped someone, somewhere grasp our tricky Inglese language!


  1. How cool! Can you get a copy of the book to keep?

  2. Learn to Speak English & get great taste in clock accessories, for the love of Lino!! What a great book, to think they've taken care to get great images!! Another reason to love the Italians. My 3rd girl wants to learn Italian so she can go to Uni there & model. Bless her, she's my most Italian looking olive skinned leggy blonde, i know she'll do it too. One of my nephews has been studying Italian for years so he can take her over (she's in year 4 & he's in year 10 so we have some time up our sleeve to talk him into it). Love Posie

  3. Hi Cam, I guess I can ask for a copy. Didn't think of that!
    Hey Jennie ,We love Italy at our place. It is so worth your daughter learning Italian. My big girl went on a school trip to Italy last year and had a brilliant time.

  4. That is cool! and quite random! Great picture :) x

  5. oooh very exciting this world wide web brings us all a little closer in such a nice way. Nice little snippet of info thanks for sharing!

  6. very cool! so how do you say cookoo in italian ;)


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