Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wet ,Wet, Wet

I hope nobody got too wet last night and your precious things weren't damaged. I have buckets and towels down in my home studio, it 's kinda soggy in there....."Liz, for the hundredth time, you have to fix those holes in the roof!!!!!"
Today I would very much like this brolly by Marc Jacobs (via little doodles)

Remember this raincoat I found on Find, Make, Do.
Rain, Rain Go Away
Or maybe I'll just settle for a Rain Go Away brooch!


  1. Hey Liz, hope nothing precious was damaged.
    We also have lots of leak issues. This time? Kitchen!

  2. oh no!
    I hope its nothing major at your house. Love the umbrellas and love that raincoat!


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