Saturday, September 29, 2007

Groovy Dominoes

A few owlies made with my new lino from Jane Gillings. Found a great set (none missing!) of 70's picture dominoes at the Lost and Found Market on Friday night. After a yummy dinner at Coconut Palms in Smith St. Collingwood( bestest Vietnamese ever) we popped into the market , browsed with a glass of wine and a funky soul DJ. It's the grooviest shopping experience in town.

........Later. My initial plans to use the domino's as swing tags for my pendants may have to be shelved. My 4yo has been playing dominoes and really enjoying it. Oh well, when the novelty wears off I may get to use them.


  1. These are so cool. I'm very jealous.

  2. I like your blog! So many amusing things. I'm mad about owls, I don't know why. The owls in this post are supercute.

  3. Hi matroskin...owls are enchanting here in Australia (although I heard the powerful owl catches baby possums
    .. a bit sad really)
    Its cool to have a crafty Finnish reader.

  4. We used to live around the corner from Coconut Palms...oh so tasty and cheap. Sounds like a lovely day and congrats on finding your print for $10.

  5. So good to see you use that lino. Beeeeeooodiful. Let me know next time when you're in Sydney.


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