Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time to tidy......

With all the frenzy of the last few months, one (or two) things have been put on the back burner.
The major thing is the TIDYING of my studio.
So I'm going to shame myself into doing something about it by showing you the state of it.
It has been tidyish here and here. But not now.....tomorrow!

*There's one more week to enter Betty Jo's Mum's Day GIVE AWAY! Look here for details..go on, you could win a brooch made by me for you or your Mum.


  1. It'll make a huge fifference in your life for at least a day.Enjoy!

  2. I was thinking the same thing...but about the whole cottage...
    love your studio it seems a great place to get creative...
    everytime i clean up the craft room I like it so much I get all creative again and seem to make a bigger mess the next time around...

  3. Groan. My space is so bad its just too overwhelming to clean ... perhaps your "after" shots will prove inspiring! Not that the "before's" look too bad I've got to say.

  4. It doesn't look too bad to me. I know how you feel though. I get to a point where I can't work in my studio anymore cause the mess has overtaken.

    Happy cleaning.

  5. I'm with tinniegirl - that doesn't look too bad to me :) But, whatever works for you really. You are brave though, I'm way too much of a wimp to share photos of how messy I am!


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