Craft Victoria began in the 70's, and has been supporting crafts people and artisans for over 40 years. I'm sure the woven sculpture on the cover of this 1983 Craft Victoria newsletter(which I found in an opshop) was quite avant-garde for it's time.
I have been connected with Craft Victoria for four years stocking their stunning retail outlet Counter, exhibiting, and attending various events and seminars. Each year Counter holds its eagerly anticipated Coloured Christmas, providing a unique opportunity to purchase special 'one-off' pieces. This year, participants have been invited to respond to the colour White.
I'm looking forward to playing around with a neutral colour palette...but I'm wondering how I'm going to hold back on the brightness. Will it be humanly possible for me to have no colour in my work!?!
And don't forget,there is still time to enter the Orange Owl Giveaway here...
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