Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Clock On!

I'm amping up my clock manufacturing. My motives will be revealed soon........
A cuckoo clock cut and all ready to be stuck together, Then I'll add the pendulums , motor and
hands and finito. (Well not quite, it then needs to find a home!)

......and this is my new little owlie (also looking for a home)
Yellow eyed owl Clock
Pop over here and see a delightful round up of Betty Jo Cuckoo Clocks on the Turkish blog "10 Marifet".(let me know if you read Turkish).
Delightful, Delight, Turkish Delight...I'll shut up now.


  1. those clocks are amazing ... i love them. we really need to chat about a commision but I'm not sure what as yet.

  2. Ok, now I'm probably starting to look like a serial commentator or something weird... but I just had to pop a comment on this post too to say that I am soooo saving my pocket money for one of your clocks.


Hi! It's very nice to receive your comment. I'll go and visit you too.