Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Colour Therapy

It's been so dark and gloomy lately I am going to administer some Colour Therapy to Lino Forest readers.
I'm not going to dwell on balancing chakras or stimulating our magnetic energy fields, but if your aura needs energising, there is nothing better than bright vibrant colour to give you a boost!

colour therapy
1. Plastic Fun, 2. crocheted hex sign rug, 3. even rainbows get the blues, 4. Plastic beach rainbow, 5. Magic Shield "Color Wheel" - Fresno's Storyland Keys, 6. Colour from my Childhood, 7. Cotton Spectrum, 8. Pencil stub assemblage, 9. knitted blanket


  1. Great collection! I actually do feel more alive after viewing these colorful items! ~Val

  2. Ahhh. Thankyou! The mechanical set in your photo grid - we had exactly that one when I was a tike.

  3. Me too! I just found them while packing up my Dad's shed!


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