Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Lino Whisperer.....

 My internet friend Karen from Tokmonsta used these words to describe me after I posted a picture of my latest gleaned item from a Northcote nature strip.
The top step of this cute stepladder was covered in ugly contact, but when I peeled it off some very funky lino was revealed! Lino has a habit of finding me I reckon.
And just look at my latest doily haul. I will also now answer to "The Doily Whisperer".
This bluebird of happiness embroidery is my fave. I have promised to give it to a talented doily repurposer when she next visits Gleaners Inc. That's you Ms.Middlemost!
  It didn't take me long to get chopping and use some of the pretty stash to adorn my latest Blue Eyed Skull.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Instagram Ma'am?

Blogging is so last year. I'm just loving  taking  piccies on my phone. My poor Canon thinks he has been abandoned. Instagram is the perfect program for this visually orientated gal. Now I know why twitter didn't grab pictures!!!
And I am now meeting my instagram buddies in person. An added bonus to a fun passtime. It's proving to be a good business tool too, but like all online platforms, keeping a good balance of life and work is the goal.
Are you hooked on instagram? If yes, what do you love about it?
xx @missbettyjo

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mobile Lino

These lino feathers  have now been strung up to make a mobile for the "Feather Your Nest" exhibition at Gleaners Inc.
I hope you can come and see the show!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thank Goodness for Owls!

Thank goodness for Owls. Just when things were looking a bit, shall we say, sluggish, in less than a week I get two separate orders for owl clocks in my Big Cartel store. In over two years I have only had one other owl clock order from here. Quite a few Cuckoo Clocks and Finches ; but only the one Owl.

The colour requests for the current orders were quite different, one in pinky/reds and apple greens and one in purples, black & white and "nude". So here they are in progress. Their tummies have now been drilled and their hands inserted (that sounds icky). Now comes the fun bit (not). Packaging them up safely and handing them over with a trusting heart to Australia Post. Fly safe little owls.........

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Bird is the Word

I've been playing around with this classic wrought iron bird I found in the Northcote hard rubbish last month. I have added some of my favorite vintage Lino and for something different, I chopped up a children's storybook for some extra feathers for  the "nest"!
The "Feather Your Nest" exhibition at Gleaners Inc. starts on August the 3rd. and runs till August 31st.
If you are in town that evening please pop in to help us celebrate with bubbly and discount shopping!
And it's not too late to submit work for the show. Just contact Liz with your details

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Little Triangle Flags

Thanks etsy shoppers for keeping me busy cutting and linking little triangle flags today.
Betty Jo's etsy shop just crept over the 100 sales mark last night!  It's taken quite a few years to reach this milestone. Like the tortoise...slow and steady!
And extra big thanks for shopping local and supporting this Aussie designer!! xxx

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shop Local and Support Aussie designers!

Well, all I can say is HOORAY for bunting. My Melbourne Made Lino "bunting crazy" necklaces have turned out to be Betty Jo's most popular design on Etsy.
 Notice I said Melbourne Made. Melbourne, Australia! 
There has been some bunting wearing celeb action lately. A reality home show contestant from the Block was sporting a little bunting necklace. At first a few friends thought it may have been a Betty Jo, but after I had a squiz, I knew straight away it was a piece by another designer from the UK. I was a little surprised that she wasn't wearing an Australian made product, she being the steryotypical crafty  Melbourne girl!

 I happened to read that this UK designer has had a huge rush by Aussie buyers wanting her necklaces . Good on her I say. These lucky strokes of unintentional publicity are often what keeps indie designers going!
 Now if you really loved some jewellery you had seen on the teev and wanted to buy something exactly the same, of course you would go straight to the source ( even if it was made off shore).
But wait, with a few clicks of the keyboard I discovered locally made designs just as nice right here.
I always click on Australia in shop locations on Etsy because I want to shop local and support Aussie Designers.So for all you bunting lovers out there...go and see what the local designers are making.

I can't imagine anyone has the copyright on little triangle flag necklaces...very similar designs have been used in jewellery since the Deco era and probably earlier. So there really is no excuse not to keep your Aussie dollar on shore!

P.S. And for more incentive all Betty Jo designs are on SALE over on  ETSY!