Monday, May 31, 2010

Farewell Autumn

Fare thee well Autumn, my most favorite of seasons. Winter is going to bring lots of new beginnings for me, so luckily I won't be sweating it out, just (hopefully) staying chilled and focused.
My last week or so of op-shopping had a decidedly Autumn feel about it. Here are some of my Autumny toned goodies all with that reddy/orangy colour scheme I can't escape!

Colourful Fire King mugs sitting happily with my new Tea cosy from the Tea Cosy Garden Exhibition.
Funky salt and pepper shakers made in Canada of all places.
A very 70's latch hook mini rug. I had my latch hooking moment in high school, making a fancy lime green toned mat for my bedroom!

Very nice selection of Bakelite buttons. Good for owls eyes and adorning various Betty Jo critters.
For more thrifted goodies, go and visit Flea Market Finds at Her Library Adventures.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tea Cups Ahoy!

I am very partial to lovely teacups and teacup related stuff. I'm not technically a tea snob, but I do prefer freshly brewed or Earl Grey teabags. If I could recreate the tea my Nana and Pa used to brew, I'd be a happy girl. Unfortunately the secret went with them to the grave.

Today I have found some lovely repurposed Tea Cup lights and you can see them over at Find, Make, Do.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rain Drops on Roses

Will it rain in Melbourne today?....take your brolly in case.
Click on pics for links.

Monday, May 24, 2010

At least these guys are Warm!

Why are these Betty Jo goodies looking so bright and happy?
Because they are living in Far North Qld at Tribe in the warm Winter sunshine, and not down here in miserable Melbourne!
Tribe is a practical and whimsical collection of intelligently sourced products and ideas that inspire a colourful store nestled in the main street of sunny Mossman Far North QLD.
If you aren't able to make it to Mossman, you can peruse the online store for gorgeous gifts for Mums and Bubs.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Op-Shop Favorite!

Ok, today I'm going to share with you my favorite place to go op-shopping.
I'm giving you my favorite oppy details because it is more than just an ace place to score cool stuff.
It's the place I go to cheer me up, have a gossip about Thornbury /Preston goings on, feed my addiction to acquiring stuff, and hey, I'm helping a good place do good things such as putting on free lunches and providing training for the longterm unemployed.
I've always said op-shopping is all about timing, so I guess I must time it really well whenever I visit!
I Always find something to buy there (and believe me I am discerning when it comes to op-shopping these days), so go and check it out...and tell Megan and Iggy that Liz sent you!
Careworks Op-Shop...head down the back to the Warehouse and start fossicking.
Here are some recent purchases....and I'll be joining in with Sophies Flea Market Finds!

Handy press studs (for eyes and noses)

A fishy plate (to help me get over the Great fish plates smash of May 2010)
Cool old Quality Street tin (unfortunately empty, but WOW, I would have loved to get this for Christmas every year instead of the weeny box). And this kids blue chair ( which is the little brother to my wonky green chair), will be useful for this!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Busy Business

It's going to be busy in the Betty Jo studio this week. I'm starting a business course at TAFE in June .....yes, for the first time since Uni I am going to be sitting in class as opposed to teaching the class....eeek!
So this week will be a mad rush to finish off orders, make stock for a special sale on Friday (details to follow) and generally tie up loose ends.
You can now find Betty Jo Designs goodies at these lovely New stockists :
Tamworth Regional Gallery, The Friendship Tree in Northcote and very soon at Nook in Brisbane.
And here's an exciting announcement!
On Friday May 28th, the talented designer Marion Graham of Nina Wish will be installed at RUSSIAN HOUSE- 118 Greeves St. Fitzroy for ONE DAY ONLY, so you can see the latest range of clothing and snap up summer bargains at half their normal price.

There will be a selection of Betty Jo Designs available too, all at market prices! Come on down from 2pm -8pm.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Donkey Love

Our trip out to Bundoora to see the tea cosies also involved a visit to Bundoora Farm. This has been a favorite place for both my kids and at the moment there are two of the most adorable, fuzzy, and cheeky donkies living there. So today I have found some old and new donkey goodies from Betty Jo headquarters to fly the flag for cute donkey design!

1.Cheeky donkey at Bundoora Farm. 2. Daisy the Lino Donkey
3."Wonky Donkey" bag tag made by me from Sisteroutlaws kit. 4.Donkey figurine (he's only as big as my thumb).And this is Don Dante Dustshelves by Ninon the Italian born, Berlin based softie maker who, in my humble non-experienced opinion, makes the cutest and bestest soft toys in the universe!
You can read about them here, and buy them here and here!

And right now there is a new post over at Find, Make, Do. Beautiful shiny, foily birdie jewellery by Tamsin Howells

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cosy Up in the Garden

Hands up who has a soft spot for a hand crafted Tea Cosy. Well you can see dozens and dozens (257 to be exact) of homemade Cosy creations at "The Tea Cosy Garden " at Bundoora Homestead Art Centre.
All the Tea Cosies are for sale and proceeds are donated to The Cancer Council's Biggest Morning Tea fund-raiser.
I am now the proud owner of the fancy patterned number below (top right). There are lots of red dots already, so don't leave it too late as it ends on the 30th May.
Tea Cosy Garden Exhibition
If you had attended the Northern Craft Bonanza a few months ago you would remember these identical twin sisters Marg and Marianne Noonan.They are the organisers and proud tea cosy wearing ambassadors for all things crocheted.So now my biggest dilemma is to find room for another Tea Cosy. As far as dilemmas go that's
not a bad one!
Some of my Cosies

Friday, May 14, 2010

Confucius says.......

Beware of having finger in too many pies.
I think I might be guilty of this at the moment.
Speaking of keeping your finger out of the pie (or in this case, tart), check out this big bit of deliciousness.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today I was finishing off this Cuckoo Clock, and realised that once again it had come out a wee bit (or more than a wee bit) wonky. I debated whether I should get out the ruler, measure it up and trim it down, but I thought no, I'll leave it.
As I cut everything by hand, I freely admit that sometimes my little jig saw zips through the wood of it's own accord and doesn't follow the lines EXACTLY. But I reckon it's OK to have a few wonky details. I have never been a perfectionist and mostly favour things with character and a touch of oddness. Thats not to say I would choose a dodgy product over a properly finished one, but I can happily live with imperfection and do!
How do you feel about imperfection?
I subscribe to the aethetic that many Japanese artists embrace called wabi-sabi or "the art of finding beauty in imperfection".
Just last night I was reading "Made by Hand" by Mark Frauenfelder of Make magazine and Boing,Boing fame and was in total agreement with this quote by Eric Thompson of Ramshackle Solid. "I like seems more real. It seems more like it's a living thing or has a history.... if everything's perfect it's kind of boring".
A guy who believes this and calls his blog Ramshackle Solid is a winner in my book!