Monday, February 28, 2011

The Not So Sluggish Swallow

The Betty Jo Swallow was won by Little Chrissy. Congratulations! A not so Sluggish Swallow will be winging it's way to you very soon.
Yesterday Lily and I discovered a new way to wear Betty Jo Brooches. It's triple the fun!!!!
Now someone just has to be game enough to wear three flying duck brooches!
Swallow Brooches

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Spy Owlie

A sharp eyed Nat from Aurthur's Circus spotted Owlie clock in Fridays Melbourne Magazine. If you look closely you can just see him gracing the bedroom of Megan Park's kidlets.
I found the very clock on flickr. But I can't remember which shop he was sold from.....darn memory letting me down again!
Owl Clock
And because I am so forgettful, I only just realised I said I would choose a winner for the Swooping Swallow Giveaway today. I've decided to leave the giveaway open for the weekend and choose a winner on Monday.
Swallow Pendant
So to be in the running to win a brooch or a pendant like this guy , just leave a comment .

Friday, February 25, 2011

May I Take Your Coat ?

My house has been in total disarray for two weeks while we've had the old lath and plaster walls fixed and painted. It's been constantly raining plaster dust indoors but "Hooray", today it's finished! Everything we owned had to be packed up in boxes or moved, and for a gal that likes "Stuff" it was a BIG job.
But it's given me an excuse to have a moderate cull. When I can face unpacking the dozens of boxes that is.
So if you hang around the opshops in Thornbury enough you might just see some of my things.

I did have time to make a new clock design yesterday. It's the "May I Take Your Coat" Clock. See it sitting on my freshly painted mantlepiece. I think I would be good for a wee girls bedroom (or a big girls too).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Flight of Swallows

There are plenty of swallows waiting for you to enter the "Swooping Swallow Giveaway".
You have until Friday midnight to leave a comment to be in the running for either a Betty Jo Swallow brooch or pendant.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Customer Service Announcement

Betty Jo Designs
Do you own a Betty Jo Designs product that is looking a little shabby?
Maybe a button has popped off , the toddler grabbed it, it went through the wash or it fell off your cardie and a truck squished it.
All these things have happened to my jewellery. And even more extreme events. I remember one friends birdy brooch flew, I mean fell off a cliff, and another was on a coat that got nicked at a bar.
Well if there is anything that needs repairing on your favorite Betty Jo item, all you need to do is email me, mail it back to me and I will repair or replace (if it was faulty), free of charge.
For total losses, I will only charge a wholesale replacement cost and will endeavor to make you another piece just as nice!
Now if every one sends their goodies back to me at once, there may be a little wait, but I will fix em up good as new.
Once when I worked at another costume jewellery company , I spent a whole day each week repairing customers broken jewellery. And this stuff wasn't cheap!
So I know costume jewellery does break, things come off or clasps give up the ghost.
My aim is to get your Betty Jo Designs brooch, pendant or clock back on the road so everyone is happy!!!!

This has been a customer service announcement from Betty Jo Designs.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fruity Cuckoo Clock

I thought it was high time I made another Cuckoo Clock. It turned out quite "fruity" thanks to the Gundagai Lino and a Strawberry applique table cloth.
Fruity Cuckoo Clock
Fruity Cuckoo Clock
It could be the clock that Carmen Miranda might have if she was still with us (and needed a cuckoo clock!)

P.S. Check out the Swooping Swallow Giveaway . A sweet Betty Jo swallow brooch or pendant on offer for the winner!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Inspiration vs Copying

Who has seen the new Facebook page "Designers and Illustrators against Plagiarism"?
The distinctions between copying and gaining *inspiration * from other peoples craft have become so blurry these days that everyone has their own view point. Still, copying is happening with all too much frequency and it's mainly off shore product agencies that are the culprits.
Here is my interpretation of inspiration vs copying. It may be different to yours.
Gorgeous Lisa Larson Fox figurine was part of the "inspiration" for the Betty Jo Fox Brooch.
But I think the Betty Jo Fox Brooch was copied to make this brooch.

I won't go into all the various incidents that have popped up lately, but I have this piece of advice.
Be very cautious of strange emails asking if you would like to wholesale to somewhere in Asia.
Actually, just ignore them. It has happened to me and a few others in the past and is just too suspicious for my liking.
You are entitled to confront a stranger if they take pictures of your work at a market or in a shop.It may be totally innocent but who knows. I wish I had been more insistent in the past .
Realize you are actually providing an inspiration supermarket when you post pictures of your work online and it's a risk you take in this unscrupulous world.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Swooping Swallow Giveaway

swooping swallows
Wow, it's halfway through February already!
So for a belated welcome to 2011, I think it is time for a GIVEAWAY!
I will make a one-of-kind pretty Betty Jo Lino Swallow adorned with snippets of thrifted doilies and op-shopped buttons just for the winner. You can choose a pendant or brooch. I'm quite partial to the just leave a comment here to be in the running.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gundagai Lino

Clare from Clare's Craftroom contacted me a little while ago about a thrilling discovery under her carpet while she was renovating. A floor covered in the most gorgeous vintage lino.
And do you know what? She grabbed some for me straight away while the builders looked on in amazement (I know that look well!)Lucky me received a big box full of bits of the lino yesterday and what started as an *unmotivated* morning quickly turned into a busy afternoon. Thanks so much Clare.I noticed when Clare posted the picture of the lino on Facebook, both Jodie from Ric-Rac and Gillian from Silly Gilly mentioned Betty Jo would like that internet community !
And speaking of the old internet, look what I just spotted over at Douglas and Hope...
tapestry Melamine plates. I want them all.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

1. The card I bought for my beloved from Able and Game. I totally forgot about it this morning....but there's always later today!
2. "Valentine " the Owl who found a lovely home last Saturday HOO-ray!
3.My "Love" brooch that has popped up a few times since last Valentines Day.
4. My Valentines gift from Me to Me! Pretty "Dainty Hearts Earrings" by Mrs Peterson Pottery.

xx Hope you have a smoochy day....and if you are flying solo, spoil yourself !xx

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cuckoo Italiano!

Here's something a little out of left field. The other day I received an email from an Enrico Bellazzecca who works at a publishing house in Bologna, Italy.
He politely asked my permission to use an image of one of my cuckoo clocks from flickr in a
Lino Forest Cuckoo Clock

Yesterday he sent me a copy of the page of the book. It's a learn to speak English text book. Bless!I will have a credit in the book and a warm feeling that I may have helped someone, somewhere grasp our tricky Inglese language!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

UnBirthday Sale-ebration!

Miss Owlie Clock is pleased to be celebrating the Very Merry 1st UnBirthday Sale at The Curious Oyster Shoppe on Saturday. I have named her "Valentine" because apparently it's the season to be romantic.
There will be heaps of discounts and 20% of all hand made goodies at Curious Oyster, so pop in and join Annaliese for the "sale-ebration". Can you spy her through the looking glass in the photo?
It will be a perfect opportunity to pick up a gift for your special someone or just buy a gift to give to yourself (as usually there's no use waiting around hoping someone else buys you a crafty present on special!)
I took the bull by the horns and got some of my own gifts last Christmas, like my Kitchen Owl from Focus on Art.

There are plenty of Kitchen Owls like my "Big Night Out" at Curious Oyster. And like my clocks and brooches .......they are all one of a kind AND all need homes!
Speaking of kitchens and homes, have you seen Lucy King's fantastic retro kitchen over at "You Will Always Find Me". It's full of beautiful vintage china, great enamelware, and *snap*, Lucy also has a Kitchen Owl carefully watching over her favorite teas!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Geo-Metric In Store!

Lino Geo-Metric Necklace
The New Lino Geo-Metric necklaces and brooches are now available at "Pussycat Black".Look at that inviting shop....all the stock is locally made and sweat shop free! You can find Bettina's second Pussycat Black store at 105 Therry St City. It's in that little street that leads to the Vic. Market for all you Melbournites. Now you can combine shopping for fresh food with shopping for fresh fashion ( I think I should be in advertising!). A little bird told me it is also popular with the out-of-towners!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Flying North for Winter.

These guys are literally flying north this week to Pure Heaven in QLD.
Flying North for Winter
The landscape behind them was in op- shopped frame I'm using for something else. You know the ones: "I'm keepin' the frame, but ditching the painting". On last count we had four large "landscapes" on our walls. They can be a little somber at times, so I really like this "Restyled Painting " by Paper Sparrow.
All it needs is some flying ducks!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wet ,Wet, Wet

I hope nobody got too wet last night and your precious things weren't damaged. I have buckets and towels down in my home studio, it 's kinda soggy in there....."Liz, for the hundredth time, you have to fix those holes in the roof!!!!!"
Today I would very much like this brolly by Marc Jacobs (via little doodles)

Remember this raincoat I found on Find, Make, Do.
Rain, Rain Go Away
Or maybe I'll just settle for a Rain Go Away brooch!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Year of the Rabbit

Year of the Rabbit
I read that the Year of the Rabbit is supposed to be a calm and prosperous year between the two tumultuous years Tiger (2010) and Dragon (2012) via Paper Sparrow
Now I know why 2011 is going to be a good year. Hope all is rosy for you this year too!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Viva la Bird!

Birds, birds, birdy, birds. You may have seen these funny guys make fun of the ubiquitous crafty bird.
Just after I posted this clip on facebook last week, I got an order from Collect @Object for a big bunch of these swallows.
Swift Swallows
Viva la Bird!Birds again. On these fantastic cross stitched badges by Pin Pals.
Find out more about the great designing duo that is Pin Pals over on Find, Make, Do!
Just see if you can visit their etsy shop with out being tempted to buy something!